FOR THOSE WITH NO INTERNET (or prefer the analog life!)

  1. Cook together and talk about what you are doing and other times you have made these meals.
  2. Watch educational shows on TV
  3. Clean together and discuss why we clean and the best ways to keep ourselves safe and well.
  4. Play games together like I Spy, Charades, Pictionary.
  5. Create your own puzzles by drawing pictures then cutting them out.
  1. Talk! Tell your children stories from your childhood and stories of their tupuna. The more stories children know, the better their reading and writing will get!
  2. Find some paper (an old envelope, back of an old letter, anything will do) then talk about something you have done together - a walk, cooking, clearning. Child to say the story, adult can write the story on the paper and the child can read it back. These can be saved and read every day - build up a big pile of stories written on anything you can find!
  3. Often companies print little histories of their company on the packaging of their products - how many can you find and learn about?
  4. Keep a lockdown diary. Before going to bed at night, or first thing in the morning, write about that day. Child can talk about the day and adult can write. Child could write any words they know, but it is more about reading it back and sharing the writing.
  1. Write down all the words you know how to write. Learn 1 new one each day. Think of words you say a lot, they are the most useful to learn how to write. Write the word lots of times until you can write it without copying.
  2. See if you can sound out a new word. Say the word slowly, what can you hear? What else can you hear?
  1. Jump 5 jumps. Then 5 more. Then 5 more. How many have you jumped?
  2. Cook something together following a recipe - measurements are all maths!
  3. Create your own real, or silly, recipe! For example: How to make a magic potion to turn somebody green - 100 grams of eye balls, 20 grams of mouse teeth and 300 grams of lizard tails.
  4. Count flower petals and add them together.
  5. Play eleven with your family.
  6. Count forward and backward as high as you can.
  7. Learn about coins you find around the house. Do coin rubbings then add them up.
  1. Talk with your family about their rolls as kaitiaki to each other.
  2. Talk about your environment that you live in and how you all care for and maintain it.


  1. I saw some good ideas on tvnz7 today.
    Treasure Hunt
    Logic Puzzles


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