Mōrena e te whānau! We are really enjoying seeing all the work you've been sharing on Seesaw ! Keep up all your awesome work! Your Seesaw codes have all been texted to you but if you didn't receive it, please get in touch. Here is an idea of the Zoom timetable for this week: TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 10.30 - Group 1 11.30 - Group 2 with Whaea Joy Sorry, no Zoom today 11.00 -11.45 Whole Class at with Whaea Joy 11-11.45 Whole class with Whaea Andrea Topics: Reading Writing Topics: Reading Writing Topics: What have you been up to? Maths challenge Inquiry Art at home Science at home You’ll need: Paper and a pencil/pen You’ll need: Paper and a pencil/pen You’ll need: Paper and a pencil/pen (Just in case!) We will always be using the same Meeting IDs so you know to join which Zoom call on which day. If you don't have the internet at home, get in touch and we can see what we can do to help...